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Monday, February 25, 2013

Focus on what we want!


According to Andrew Matthews, author of the book Being Happy, what you focus on expands. So, here’s a meaningful quote that I would like to share. I made the poster above all own my own. Feel free to share with others but do link me instead of just copy and paste. ;)

Pengajarannya, kalau kita nakkan sesuatu, kita fokus pada apa yang kita nak. Lebih kuat kita fokus, semakin kuat kita menarik apa yang kita inginkan.

Daripada fikir yang kita takkan dapat sesuatu, baik kita fikir yang dengan pertolongan Yang Maha Kuasa, kita pasti boleh dapat apa yang kita inginkan.

So, guess what?? After focusing on getting orders for my cupcakes, I managed to secure an order..1 dozen!!. Alhamdulillah… :) My very first order and I will wow my customer. It’s gonna be a fun baking weekend for me.

So, just keep focusing on what we want!!!! IT WORKS EVERYTIME.

taken from