You might earn a fortune,
You might live in a mansion,
You might drive a BMW,
You might have many friends who love you,
You might live an upbeat life,
You might have a beautiful wife,
But think again,
All of the above are merely accessories of delusion,
The true dress for success is to be able to take care of your parents with patience and passion,
Those accessories will deteriorate and vanish,
The love n care we have for our parents will forever flourish,
Allah The Almighty will ensure that tranquility sets in our hearts,
Even when we have problems we will never fall apart..
Hakmilik terpelihara Rosita Michael 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Menu Nasi Ayam Mudah (Simple and delicious Chicken Rice)
Resepi ini adalah untuk 2-3 orang.
This recipe is to cater for 2-3 persons.
Halia sebesar ibu jari/ thumb-sized ginger
4 ulas Bawang Putih/ 4 cloves of garlic
(Halia dan bawang putih di tumbuk/ blend ginger and garlic without water)
3 helai daun pandan/ 3 pandan leaves
2 sudu minyak sapi atau margerin/ 2 tablespoons of ghee or margarine
2 sudu minyak masak/ 2 tablespoons of cooking oil
1/2 dada ayam yang dipotong dadu/ 1/2 chicken breasts cut into pieces
1/2 kiub ayam/ 1 teaspoon of chicken flavoured seasonings
Garam secukup rasa/ some salt to taste
3 cawan beras/ 3 cups of rice
4.5 cawan air/ 4.5 cups of water
Cara membuat/Instructions
1. Panaskan kuali dengan api yang sederhana besar. Masukkan minyak masak dan minyak sapi, tumiskan bawang putih, halia. Masukkan juga daun pandan
1. Heat the pan/pot over a medium heat fire. Pour in some cooking oil, ghee and pandan leaves. Next, sauté the blended garlic and ginger.
2. Kemudian masukkan dada ayam yang dipotong dadu. Tumis hingga garing atau warnanya bertukar kekuningan.
2. Next put in the diced/sliced chicken breasts, saute' till it turns brown.
3. Masukkan kiub ayam dan air. Biarkan sehingga ia menggelegak, akhir sekali masukkan beras. Kemudian masukkan garam secukup rasa.
3. Sprinkle a teaspoon of chicken flavoured seasonings, next goes in the 4.5 cups of water and let it boil. Once it is boiling, the rice goes in. Last but not least, sprinkle some salt.
4. Apabila nasi mula kering, kecilkan api dan tutup periuk dengan rapat. Biarkan nasi masak sepenuhnya selama 10 minit lagi dan nasi sudah siap untuk dimakan.
4. As soon as the rice dries out, turn down the heat to medium small and put on the lid. Wait for approximately 10 more minutes and the rice is ready.
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Mungkin ianya kelihatan pucat, tetapi rasanya sedap!/it may look pale, but I guarantee you that it tastes delicious! |
Menyediakan ayam goring untuk nasi ayam/ Preparing the fried chicken
2 biji cili merah/ 2 red chili peppers
Halia bersaiz ibu jari/ Thumb sized ginger
3-4 ulas bawang putih/ 3-4 cloves of garlic
(ketiga-tiga bahan diatas di kisar kering/ all of the above ingredients need to be blended, without water)
1 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit/ 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
Garam secukup rasa/ Salt to taste
1. Masukkan cili merah, halia dan bawang putih yang ditumbuk/dikisar, garam secukup rasa dan satu sudu serbuk kunyit.
1. Throw it the blended ingredients, some salt and a teaspoon of turmeric powder.
2. Gaul hingga sebati/ Mixed well.
3. Masukkan minyak secukupnya kedalam kuali dan tunggu sehingga panas. Gorengkan ayam!
3. Pre-heat the pan.Pour in lots of oil. Fry the chicken!
Bahan-bahan membuat sos cili
3-4 cili merah
3-4 ulas bawang putih
(bahan diatas di kisar)
2 sudu teh gula
Garam secukup rasa
perahkan sebiji limau kasturi atau 1/3 limau nipis
2-3 cawan air
Ingredients for chilli sauce
3-4 red chilli peppers
3-4 cloves of garlic
( the above ingredients need to blendered without water)
2 teaspoon of sugar
some salt to taste
some lime juice
2-3 cups of water
Cara membuat
Masukkan air kedalam periuk kecil dan panaskan periuk tersebut.
Masukkan bahan-bahan yang telah dikisar tadi, gula dan garam.
Biarkan ia mendidih atas api sederhana kecil.
Tunggu lebih kurang 8-10 minit sehingga air bertukar sedikit pekat
Sebaik ia mula pekat, tutup api dan perahkan sedikit jus limau kasturi.
Preparing the chili sauce
Pour some water and heat the pan.
Put in the blended ingredients, sugar and salt
Let it simmer over medium heat.
Wait for approximately 8-10 minutes till the sauce thickens a little bit.
Once it thickens, turn off the heat and squeeze some lime juice.
Bahan-bahan sup ayam
2-3 keping dada ayam atau mana-mana bahagian ayam yang anda minati
2-3 biji kentang
3-4 ulas bawang putih (di tumbuk/dikisar kering)
Halia sebesar ibu jari (ditumbuk/dikisar kering)
1-2 sudu serbuk rempah sup
Daun sup
Daun bawang
Garam secukup rasa
Gula secukut rasa
Ingredients for Chicken soup
2-3 pieces of chicken breasts or any preferred chicken parts
2-3 potatoes
3- 4 cloves of garlic (needs to be blendered without water)
Thumb sized ginger (needs to be blendered without water)
Cilantro leaves
Spring onions
Salt to taste
Cara menyediakan sup ayam
Panaskan periuk bersaiz medium. Masukkan 4-5 cawan air.
Masukkan bahan yang dikisar, ayam dan kentang yang di potong dadu.
Biarkan sup menggelegak dalam 10-15 minit sehingga ayam dan kentang betul-betul masak.
Masukkan hirisan daun sup dan daun bawang.
Tunggu selama 5 minit lagi dan tutupkan api.
Sup siap untuk dihidangkan
Preparing the chicken soup
Heat a medium-sized pot over a medium heat. Pour in 4-5 cups of water.
Put in the blendered ingredients and throw in the chicken breasts.
Next, the diced potatoes goes in and let it simmer for approximately 10-15 minutes till the chicken and potatoes are tender.
Sprinkle some salt and sugar.
Throw in some cilantro and spring onions.
Wait for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat, the soup is ready to be served.
Juga, potong timun dan tomato.
Slice some cucumber and tomatoes
Selamat mencuba dan menjamu selera!
Wallah! Enjoy your comlete meal of chicken rice!
Resepi oleh ibu saya, Puan Poinah,
ditulis oleh Michael Rose.
This recipe' is from my lovely Mother, Mdm Poinah.
Written by Michael Rose
Michael Rose
All Rights Reserved 2014
Bahan-bahan membuat sos cili
3-4 cili merah
3-4 ulas bawang putih
(bahan diatas di kisar)
2 sudu teh gula
Garam secukup rasa
perahkan sebiji limau kasturi atau 1/3 limau nipis
2-3 cawan air
Ingredients for chilli sauce
3-4 red chilli peppers
3-4 cloves of garlic
( the above ingredients need to blendered without water)
2 teaspoon of sugar
some salt to taste
some lime juice
2-3 cups of water
Cara membuat
Masukkan air kedalam periuk kecil dan panaskan periuk tersebut.
Masukkan bahan-bahan yang telah dikisar tadi, gula dan garam.
Biarkan ia mendidih atas api sederhana kecil.
Tunggu lebih kurang 8-10 minit sehingga air bertukar sedikit pekat
Sebaik ia mula pekat, tutup api dan perahkan sedikit jus limau kasturi.
Preparing the chili sauce
Pour some water and heat the pan.
Put in the blended ingredients, sugar and salt
Let it simmer over medium heat.
Wait for approximately 8-10 minutes till the sauce thickens a little bit.
Once it thickens, turn off the heat and squeeze some lime juice.
Bahan-bahan sup ayam
2-3 keping dada ayam atau mana-mana bahagian ayam yang anda minati
2-3 biji kentang
3-4 ulas bawang putih (di tumbuk/dikisar kering)
Halia sebesar ibu jari (ditumbuk/dikisar kering)
1-2 sudu serbuk rempah sup
Daun sup
Daun bawang
Garam secukup rasa
Gula secukut rasa
Ingredients for Chicken soup
2-3 pieces of chicken breasts or any preferred chicken parts
2-3 potatoes
3- 4 cloves of garlic (needs to be blendered without water)
Thumb sized ginger (needs to be blendered without water)
Cilantro leaves
Spring onions
Salt to taste
Cara menyediakan sup ayam
Panaskan periuk bersaiz medium. Masukkan 4-5 cawan air.
Masukkan bahan yang dikisar, ayam dan kentang yang di potong dadu.
Biarkan sup menggelegak dalam 10-15 minit sehingga ayam dan kentang betul-betul masak.
Masukkan hirisan daun sup dan daun bawang.
Tunggu selama 5 minit lagi dan tutupkan api.
Sup siap untuk dihidangkan
Preparing the chicken soup
Heat a medium-sized pot over a medium heat. Pour in 4-5 cups of water.
Put in the blendered ingredients and throw in the chicken breasts.
Next, the diced potatoes goes in and let it simmer for approximately 10-15 minutes till the chicken and potatoes are tender.
Sprinkle some salt and sugar.
Throw in some cilantro and spring onions.
Wait for another 5 minutes and turn off the heat, the soup is ready to be served.
Juga, potong timun dan tomato.
Slice some cucumber and tomatoes
Selamat mencuba dan menjamu selera!
Wallah! Enjoy your comlete meal of chicken rice!
Resepi oleh ibu saya, Puan Poinah,
ditulis oleh Michael Rose.
This recipe' is from my lovely Mother, Mdm Poinah.
Written by Michael Rose
Michael Rose
All Rights Reserved 2014
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