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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

4 ways to be happy at work

Do you love your job?How many of us have the luxury of choosing the jobs of our desires?

Only the lucky ones!

But what about others who have to endure the boredom, loneliness and hatred in their jobs?

Smiling sun with sunglasses illustration - Stock VectorThe answer lies WITHIN US!

We need to change the way we look at things  in order to change our attitude towards our jobs.

Optimism Green Road Sign - Stock Photo
yeah right, easy said than done..duhhh
The followings are 4 ways that we can embrace in making ourselves happy at work!

1. Be GRATEFUL that you have a JOB!

You get to support yourself and your family with the current job! But of course, there is no harm if you're in a process of searching for a better opportunity. 

On and Off - Toggle Switch - Stock Photo


What is exactly your mission when you step out from the comfort of your home to your workplace everyday? The right intention will tell you what you will achieve at the end of each working day. For example, if your intention to work is just to survive the day, then you will only GET THROUGH the day. But if your intention is to do your job the best that that you can, you will GET SATISFACTION in return, perhaps new friends or new learning experience, who knows? So basically, when you go to work, you are actually sowing seeds of life learning experience. Those seeds will depend on your intention, seeds of happiness, seeds of misery, seeds of joy, seeds of hatred and the list goes on and on.

Do not think negative - Stock Photo3.  Be THE SOLUTION to your boredom, loneliness, sadness etc...
How to be your own solution? START Thinking positively! How to think positive?
By having a CALM heart. How to have a calm heart? By putting our whole trust and dependence on our Creator, The Lord of the Heavens and Earth Allah Subhanawataala. If you hate the job that you are doing, at least think about those who are depending on you at workplace. 

Good times ahead - Stock Photo

4. Put our HOPES and EXPECTATIONS in our Creator.

On My Way - Stock VectorSo, how to be happy?
We will never know for sure where to go, but a believer has a destination and every journey of a believer leads us back to the Creator of the Heavens and Earth. The only thing that we can do is DO and GIVE our best in whatever we do in this world and most of all, BE GRATEFUL of what we have, Praise the Lord of the Heavens and Earth...

By Michael Rose 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

'lepaking' with my students

me and my sem.5 students..
These are a few of my good students who were so enthusiastically smiling away. They just completed their 5th semester examination...they are hard working people and were very participative in my Land Economics class. Thanks to Amanda for snapping this photo, it was very kind of her :)

We had lunch at Black Canyon Restaurant in Summit USJ. I was a little bit 'kepoh' as I volunteered myself in joining them for lunch as I thought it would be nice to chit chat with them.The food was ok, however I just had a chicken salad and a cup of jasmine tea as I had to workout at the gym that late afternoon...:)

till the next post...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tutup aurat vs bungkus aurat

Petang semalan saya menonton rancangan Islam itu Indah disaluran 142. Ustaz yang berceramah dengan cara yang menarik dan spontan itu telah membuatkan saya berfikir. Dia mengatakan ramai wanita Muslim sebenarnya Membungkus Aurat, bukannya menutup aurat.

Kita semua tahu semakin ramai yang membungkus kulit atau urat daripada menutup aurat.

Secara universalnya, Agama Islam mengiktiraf pemakaian sopan dan santun yang telah diamalkan sejak zaman dulu kala. Ini kerana dalam mana-mana tamadun bangsa didunia ini, wanita yang dihormati di sisi masyarakat pasti menutup sebahagian besar tubuh mereka sehinggakan menutup kepala dengan kain.

Tujuan utama wanita Islam diwajibkan menutup aurat adalah untuk memartaatkan taraf wanita itu. Dengan menutup aurat mengikut standard yang ditetapkan Agama akan menyelamatkan wanita dari pandangan mata-mata yang rakus dan ganas. Memanglah walaupun menutup aurat, wanita tetap dapat menarik pandangan lelaki lebih-lebih lagi jika wanita itu jelita. Yang paling penting disini ialah dengan menutup aurat dengan cara yang betul, wanita itu memancarkan mesej bahawa dia mengambil serius akan dirinya dengan dibuktikan akan penampilannya.

Jadi bagaimana dikatakan membungkus aurat?

  • Bertudung tapi leher dicerut ketat
  • Bertudung tapi tampak seperti memakai helmet, ini kerana leher boleh dilihat dengan jelas
  • Bertudung tetapi baju hampir sleeveless, seluruh lengan dapat dilihat, agaknya kalau bahagian bawah lengan boleh ditunjuk, pasti ditunjukkan juga :)
  • Bertudung tapi segala gunung ganang yang ada pada badan kelihatan dengan jelas. Ini bukti pembungkusan di lakukan dengan baik sekali.
  • Bertudung tapi bertoncet. Maknanya, ada gunung di atas kepala dan di bungkus dengan kain macam bebola yang amat besar.

Menutup aurat pula seperti berikut  :-

  • Memakai baju yang tak ketat, iaitu baju yang agak longgar tapi jangan pula terlampau longgar sehingga kelihatan seperti kain langsir yang boleh ditarik-tarik;
  • Memakai baju yang tidak jarang, bermaksud fabrik mestilah tidak telus cahaya. Tapi jangan pula terlampau tebal, nanti nampak macam pakai guni.
  • Memakai tudung kepala yang labuh sehingga menutup melepasi dada. Tapi ada pulak yang pakai sehingga melepasi perut, sangat panjang sehingga tampak seperti langsir juga.
  • Memakai tudung dari fabrik yang tidak melekat ke badan. Fabrik tudung ekspress masa kini kebanyakkannya menggunakan fabrik yang melekat ke badan.

Oleh itu, anda boleh pilih yang mana satu samada nak menutup aurat atau membungkus aurat.

Yang saya pasti pilihan anda akan berdasarkan NIAT MENUTUP AURAT itu sendiri.

Jika kerana ALLAH, anda pasti akan menutup aurat.
Jika kerana hendak menunjukkan fesyen dan yang lain-lain, pasti membungkus aurat.

p/s: saya bukannya membuat kesimpulan didalam entri saya ini, sekadar berkongsi cerita.

Hakmilik Terpelihara Rosita Arman Michael 2012