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Friday, November 5, 2010

never say never....

have you ever wonder why you seem to attract what you do not want? why we keep on getting what we do not want...what we hate..what we despise.....

let's look at the most common sentences that we have said before :-
- I will never like that kind of guy..
- I will never buy those kind of clothes..
- I will never fall for her/him...
-I will never marry someone who smokes..
-I will never go there..
- Never in a million years, I will love someone like you..
- I will never buy those pair of ugly shoes..
- I will never be late..
- I will never change my work place, my way of living for someone like you...

so, what do you see? can u identify the common word here? yes it is NEVER....
but what happens if you take away the word NEVER...this means that every sentence is actually a positive sentence which wanting to do all those things...

the problem is that ...the brain does not understand the word captures, stores and visualises the subject of the sentence...for example...

- Never in a million years, I will love someone like you = In a million years, I will love someone like you.
- I will never be late = I will be late
- I will never change my workplace, my way of living for someone like you = I will change my workplace and my way of living for someone like you..

so, what should we do now if we do not want to attract the things that we do not want?

Focus on what you want!!!!
keep on mentioning what you want, so the brain captures, stores, visualises and generates ideas for us to take action...then InsyALLAH we will get what we want...


I will not/never be late = I will be on time
I will never fall for someone like him = I will fall for someone with the characteristics that I want/need
I will never marry someone who smokes = I will marry someone who embraces healty lifestyle..
I will never fall for him/her = I will fall for someone who loves me and understands me for who I am...

the point is....Identify what we want...FOCUS on what we want...Generate alternatives on how to get what we want...Evaluate the alternatives...make decision and take action...

the most important thing is that do not immediately say NEVER.......what say you?

1 comment:

  1. I will never read your blog = Your blog is interesting, so should I read it? ha..ha..ha..ha.. ^_^ jangan marah!! :-p
