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Monday, March 21, 2011

I am amazed

I am amazed by the luscious layers of the clouds
hanging kingdom in the sky
as white as can be
as pure and as vast as we can see

i am amazed
by the floating ships that sail in the seven seas
that know nothing of heavy burdens
the heavy ships seem dancing flawlessly
on the surface of the magnificent ocean
i am amazed by the pure and sincere smile of a child
innocent jugdemental not
giggling laughing and full of happy thoughts

i am amazed by the unlimited needs
of the rich and famous
they cry over trivialities while live a life so glamorous

i am amazed
by the simple desires of the poor
rice, wheat and corn are all they need to live
that's for sure

i am amazed by the patience displayed by the people in the past
difficulties, hardships
which they enjoyed triumphant at last

but most of all
i am amazed of the Almighty
for creating such beautiful creations,
for us to ponder as we see HIM in everything
Praise The Lord of the Heavens and Earth 

Hakcipta Terpelihara Rosita Arman Michael 2011

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