Rasanya hampir 8 bulan tidak ke Brunei. Kali terakhir bulan November lalu. Rindu betul hendak kesana lagi memandangkan adik dan anak saudara tinggal disana. Selalunya setahun, 2-3 kali ke Brunei tapi tahun ini belum ada lagi kesempatan. Dengan Izin Allah, akan ke sana bulan October nanti.
Walaupun Brunei itu agak kecil, tetapi orang-orang tersayang yang berada disana membuatkan aku senang dan gembira bila bersiar-siar disana. Tempat membeli-belah tidaklah begitu besar, cukup sekadar memenuhi keperluan rakyat disana. Tetapi satu perkara yang aku perhatikan, kedai-kedai dan juga shopping mall bersaing secara sihat. Tidak ada sesiapa yang 'makan' bisnes sesiapa. Orang Brunei menyokong perniagaan sesiapa sahaja disana. Tidak ada kedai pilih kasih, tidak ada hanya satu kedai membolot semua bisnes. Semua jenis perniagaan menikmati bahagian masing-masing.
Satu lagi kebaikan disana ialah jarak antara satu tempat ke tempat yang lain hanyya mengambil masa 10-15 minit. Melainkan di kawasan Gadong yang mana terdapat The Mall disana. Walaupun kawasannya agak kecil, tetapi jangan terkejut kesesakannya mengalahkan Taipan USJ 10. Kenapa Taipan pula? Orang USJ tahu betapa 'legend' nya kawasan ini. Begitu jugak kawasan Gadong itu. Tempat yang best untuk bershopping juga adalah di Hua Ho Manggis, rindu nak makan di food court nya itu.
Tempat beriadah dan berjogging adalah di Tasik Lama. Aku menggemari kawasan itu kerana terdapat trek jogging yang berbukit-bukit dan luas. Suasana kehijauannya amat mendamaikan.
Kalau tempat makan, aku suka makan di restoran-restoran yang ada di Serusop. Nice place and nice food. Tetapi makanan di Brunei tidaklah sesedap makanan di Malaysia. Paling sedih tidak ada rojak mamak. Semasa aku berkerja hampir dua tahun disitu, aku selalu mengidamkan rojak mamak, sebab itulah bila pulang ke Malaysia, rojak mamak yang aku cari dulu. :)
Satu jenis makana yang aku rindu adalah kuih moci yang dijual di sebuah kedai makan yang agak terpencil di Rimba, tapi kuih dia memang best...tapi kedai itu telah berpindah tak tahu kemana.
Inyaalah bulan Oktober kesana nanti akan ku cari tempat-tempat makan dan jalan-jalan yang best disana.
saje suka-suka hendak bercerita...
By Michael Rose
Friday, June 22, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Live life Al-Quran..
I love reading the translations and commentaries of Al-Quran by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. The beauty of the meaning of each and every word of the Quran makes me in awe every time I read it. Of course I haven't have the luxury of exploring each and every word as I am so attached to the worldly activities. But, I normally allocate time, even if it means only 5 minutes a day.
There is this well-intentioned non-muslim writer who took the effort in carrying out a research in reading the Holy Quran, if I am not mistaken she is in the midst of writing her new book on the biography of Muhammad. I am amazed by the way she explained on some of the aspects of Al-Quran. She was talking about how the Holy Quran is not just a book where anyone can read while munching away with a packet of popcorn on a beautiful afternoon.
The writer said that ' the Arabic language in Al-Quran is incantatory almost hypnotic quality that begs to be heard rather than read, felt more than analysed and it wants to be chanted out loud'. She mentioned that she is just a tourist looking from outside of Islam and by reading she gets a glimpse of the world's most- read book, the Holy Quran. While giving the talk, the lady spoke eloquently with an array of vocabularies, her style of presentation was so lovely as though she was narrating a very beautiful tale. She further mentioned that 1/3 of the contents of The Quran reprises the stories of biblical figures like Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Mary and Jesus.
I said to myself while watching the video where I stumbled upon on youtube, if only the writer understood the feeling of reciting it in Arabic, if only she knew how intoxicated those beautiful words in the Holy Quran can be and what it can do to her brain which stimulates every cell and eventually she could feel as though she is in love with the Author of the Holy Quran, Allah Subhanawataala. I do pray that the love of Allah Subhanawataala reaches the very depth of her heart someday, InsyAllah..
I also said to myself if only we Muslims could see the Holy Quran like she sees it, the majority of us are merely reciters of Quran. We would just memorise and recite Al-Quran everyday in our daily prayers but in reality, not all of us really understand the actual meaning. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lived life with Al-Quran, whenever he was sad, or when he was angry about something, Allah sent him answers in the form of beautiful ayahs to calm The Prophet or to give advise.
I have a confession to make, I have yet read the Quran thoroughly . At the moment I am still doing my very best in reciting and understanding it word by word. But one thing I know is that Al-Quran is our 'Manual of life'. Being a Muslim is actually a journey itself and I truly believe that having a religion is to experience it. I am so grateful that I have Allah by my side and Al-Quran as my best friend.
By holding tight to Al-Quran, we strive our best in applying the teaching of Al-Quran into our daily lives.
There are so many people out there who do know the reason for their existence.Nobody knows why, what, how and where they are in this world. BUT We Muslims have the privilege in knowing why we are here in this world, where are we moving towards and our final destination, what should we do in this world, how to do it and to whom we should serve, the answers to these questions can be found in the Holy Quran! Glory to Allah!
It is just natural when we are afflicted with calamities or hardships, we seek help from beings first, rather than running to Allah by reading His words in the Holy Quran.
The real remedy for the heart, mind and soul is the Holy Quran. When we recite it, understanding every word is actually the real medicine which heals every heartache, kills sorrow and pain.
The Holy Quran provides us with our daily dosage of hope, patience and steadfastness. I pray that more and more Muslims out there read the Quran often and at the same time, putting more effort in understanding and applying it to their daily lives. Let's create a culture where Al-Quran a day, keeps the doctor away....Ameen...
note: I apologise if there is any mistake in my writings, I am only human.
written by Michael Rose 2012
There is this well-intentioned non-muslim writer who took the effort in carrying out a research in reading the Holy Quran, if I am not mistaken she is in the midst of writing her new book on the biography of Muhammad. I am amazed by the way she explained on some of the aspects of Al-Quran. She was talking about how the Holy Quran is not just a book where anyone can read while munching away with a packet of popcorn on a beautiful afternoon.
The writer said that ' the Arabic language in Al-Quran is incantatory almost hypnotic quality that begs to be heard rather than read, felt more than analysed and it wants to be chanted out loud'. She mentioned that she is just a tourist looking from outside of Islam and by reading she gets a glimpse of the world's most- read book, the Holy Quran. While giving the talk, the lady spoke eloquently with an array of vocabularies, her style of presentation was so lovely as though she was narrating a very beautiful tale. She further mentioned that 1/3 of the contents of The Quran reprises the stories of biblical figures like Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Mary and Jesus.
I said to myself while watching the video where I stumbled upon on youtube, if only the writer understood the feeling of reciting it in Arabic, if only she knew how intoxicated those beautiful words in the Holy Quran can be and what it can do to her brain which stimulates every cell and eventually she could feel as though she is in love with the Author of the Holy Quran, Allah Subhanawataala. I do pray that the love of Allah Subhanawataala reaches the very depth of her heart someday, InsyAllah..
I also said to myself if only we Muslims could see the Holy Quran like she sees it, the majority of us are merely reciters of Quran. We would just memorise and recite Al-Quran everyday in our daily prayers but in reality, not all of us really understand the actual meaning. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) lived life with Al-Quran, whenever he was sad, or when he was angry about something, Allah sent him answers in the form of beautiful ayahs to calm The Prophet or to give advise.
I have a confession to make, I have yet read the Quran thoroughly . At the moment I am still doing my very best in reciting and understanding it word by word. But one thing I know is that Al-Quran is our 'Manual of life'. Being a Muslim is actually a journey itself and I truly believe that having a religion is to experience it. I am so grateful that I have Allah by my side and Al-Quran as my best friend.
By holding tight to Al-Quran, we strive our best in applying the teaching of Al-Quran into our daily lives.
There are so many people out there who do know the reason for their existence.Nobody knows why, what, how and where they are in this world. BUT We Muslims have the privilege in knowing why we are here in this world, where are we moving towards and our final destination, what should we do in this world, how to do it and to whom we should serve, the answers to these questions can be found in the Holy Quran! Glory to Allah!
It is just natural when we are afflicted with calamities or hardships, we seek help from beings first, rather than running to Allah by reading His words in the Holy Quran.
The real remedy for the heart, mind and soul is the Holy Quran. When we recite it, understanding every word is actually the real medicine which heals every heartache, kills sorrow and pain.
The Holy Quran provides us with our daily dosage of hope, patience and steadfastness. I pray that more and more Muslims out there read the Quran often and at the same time, putting more effort in understanding and applying it to their daily lives. Let's create a culture where Al-Quran a day, keeps the doctor away....Ameen...
note: I apologise if there is any mistake in my writings, I am only human.
written by Michael Rose 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
What is the KEY to happiness?
The key is.... be GRATEFUL!
My fellow friends,
Being grateful, we tend to forget
Often, we need to be reminded to be one..
Often, we tend to absorb negativity and deprive ourselves from having fun
Whining, complaining and sulking
We let ourselves dwell in hatred, frustration and devastation
We fail to see the love, empathy, compassion and passion..
Let's be grateful
key to happiness: BE GRATEFUL!! |
If you could breath, move, run, jump and walk..
If you have money in your pocket and friends to talk..
If you have your loved ones with you and your health
Be sure that those are the true treasures of wealth....
Be Grateful to the One Creator who has given you so much....
Thank you Allah, The Creator of the Heavens and Earth...
written by Michael Rose 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Tips khusyuk solat
jom sayang Allah.. |
Minda kita berfikir tentang pelbagai perkara ketika kita solat.
Kadang-kadang saya sendiri tertanya-tanya kenapa minda menjadi sangat aktif berfikir macam-macam masa solat. Oleh itu, saya cuba mencari jawapan bagaimana hendak kusyuk dalam solat dari bahan bacaan dan dari pemerhatian saya sendiri.
Yang berikut adalah beberapa cara yang boleh membuatkan kita lebih khusyuk. Tetapi, haruslah diingat bahawa setiap individu mempunyai cara masing-masing untuk kusyuk dalam solat. Jika anda dapati cara-cara dibawah ini berkesan, bolehlah diamalkan.
Sebelum solat
1. Jarakkan masa selepas menonton atau membaca sesuatu.
Jika kita baru lepas baca buku atau menonton mana-mana rancagan tv, JARAKKAN masa dalam 10-15 minit sebelum kita solat. Jika kita terus solat selepas menonton tv, atau melayari internet...segala apa yang kita lihat dan baca tadi akan menerjah masuk kedalam minda kita semasa kita solat.
Tak percaya? Cuba buat.
2. Makan dulu
Jika kita telah menyiapkan atau membeli makanan, MAKAN DULU!
Jika tidak, pasti kita tertanya-tanya dan terbayang-bayang akan makanan tadi..
3. Sapu wangi-wangian
Pastikan wangian yang anda sapukan itu khusus untuk solat. Saya mula mempraktikkan kaedah ini beberapa bulan yang lalu dan saya perhatikan tahap kusyuk saya lebih baik. Haruman yang mengasyikkan akan menyebabkan anda memperlahankan sedikit pergerakan dan bacaan anda, seterusnya akan menambah kekusyukkan anda.
4. Petik suis FOKUS
Macammana? Bercakap dengan diri sendiri...' Aku nak solat, wahai minda dan hati mari kita fokuskan pada ALLAH'...
Semasa solat
5. Ingat makna penting
Memang mustahil untuk kita mengingati keseluruhan makna bacaan solat kit. Tetapi, kita boleh cuba mengingati makna-makna penting. Sebagai contoh dalam Al-Fatihah, kita boleh cuba ingat 2-3 perkataan penting dari setiap baris ayat.
6.Fokus Mata
Mata haruslah difokuskan pada tempat kita sujud. Mata tidak boleh meliar memandang ke kiri ke kanan. Jika kita fokus cukup lama, perkataan ayat-ayat bacaan solat akan terlihat di dalam minda.
7. Laju vs Perlahan
Kalau terlalu laju, pasti bacaan lintang pukang dan sebaik sahaja kita habis solat, pasti kita rasa seperti kita tidak solat kerana tidak langsung mengingati makna apa yang kita baca tadi. Oleh itu, cuba fahami apa kita baca, biarpun berulang-ulang, ia sebenarnya akan menambah kualiti kusyuk kita.
Ada juga keadaan dimana kadang-kadang kita fokus dan kusyuk di dua rakaat pertama, tiba-tiba di rakaat ketiga kita teringat tentang perlbagai perkara pula, bagaimana kita hendak mengembalikan kekusyukan kita?
1. Perlahankan bacaan;
2. Perlahankan pergerakan;
3. Cuba ingat makna bacaan;
Apabila kita sudah mula kusyuk kembali, kembalikan tempo solat kepada normal. Ingat, normal bermakna tidak laju dan tidak perlahan, tempo yang sedang elok.
Mari kita sama-sama cuba dan jika berkesan, bolehlah di kongsi bersama-sama keluarga dan kawan-kawan.
Selamat mencuba!!!!
by Michael Rose 2012
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