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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Airlines Interviewers look for these 3 fundamental characteristics in a candidate.

Competition is fierce when it comes to Airlines Interviews. You are competing against hundreds of candidates. Interviewers will look for the following 3 fundamental characteristics in a candidate  :-
1. Silent Intelligence.
It is about how you present yourself. Did you know that it only takes 6 seconds for interviewers to decide whether they like you or not. Therefore, first impression is crucial. Be mindful of the way you look, your smile and your words. Your body language communicates a substantial 56% to the interviewers. They could tell if you are over confident, humble or sheer arrogant. That is what we call Silent Intelligence.
2. Managing answers well.
The ability to answer well does not mean you need to give the right answers. It is more about how you manage your answers. Interviewers want to know how do you react to their questions. This reaction in answering questions is a reflection of one of the fundamentals of cabin crew job and that is passenger handling. Passengers are total strangers to cabin crew and they can be very demanding at times. So how do you respond to their needs? How do you go about in making decisions and solving problems
Therefore, the ability to answer well is also an indication of having the ability to handle unexpected  situation.
3. Charisma
Are you natural or superficial?
Do you have the charisma to be a cabin crew?
Charisma simply means do you have an image that fits into what the profession wants? Or in short, do you have the look of a cabin crew.
Therefore, it is good if you have the 3 abovementioned characteristics in you which will increase your chances of nailing the interview.
Posted by M.Shah Bahari, Instructor of Crewnection.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Be happy wherever you work..

It's all in your attitude and you have to make decision whether to love or to hate your work or where you work...
You decide to be happy or grumpy..
You decide to be dull and pull everyone down with you or you can be fabulous and make everyone around you enjoy working with you...
So you decide...

All Rights Reserved by Michael Rose 2016

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Tentang jodoh itu memang misteri- Jumpa di Mahkamah

Kisah benar...
Satu hari Lolita ke mahkamah untuk mendapatkan perintah wali hakim. Di mahkamah, kes-kes yang berlangsung menggabungkan kes dua mahkamah kerana Hakim mahkamah sebelah cuti.
Setelah menunggu sehingga tengahari, mahkamah umum untuk berehat sehingga pukul 2 petang . Marahnya dan menyampahnya hati si Lolita, Allah sahaja yang tahu.
Si Lolita membawa ibu serta adik bongsunya yang terpaksa mengambil cuti kerja untuk menemaninya. Si adik bongsu muka nya mencuka lah sepanjang pagi hingga ke tengaharinya. Walaupun terpaksa mengambil cuti, si adik bongsu sangat gembira dan sanggup ikut kerana akhirnya kakaknya bertemu jodoh.
Semasa makan tengahari,  Lolita, ibu dan adiknya duduk bersama seorang wanita  yang juga bersama ibunya yang kebetulan kesnya hanya akan di sebut sebelah petang. Sambil makan dan berbual-bual, wanita yang bersama ibunya itu berkenan dengan adik bongsu si Lolita tadi dan meminta kebenaran untuk dikenalkan dengan anak bujangnya.
Setelah hari itu, cerita temu jodoh si adik bongsu Lolita pun bermulalah....
Nah siapa sangka kakak yang hendak mendapatkan wali hakim, akhirnya adik  ditemukan dengan bakal ibu mertuanya...
Moral ceritanya, Hanya Allah yang menemukan, kita hanya bersiap sedia kerana kita tidak akan tahu bila, dimana dan dengam siapa kita ditemukan...
Menakjubkan bukan?
Itulah kuasa Allah. Oleh itu sentiasa siap sedia, jodoh ditemukan bila-bila masa!
Copyright by Michael Rose September 2016

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Nak temu jodoh? Mulakan dengan mengemas rumah....

Mengemas rumah adalah satu tanggungjawab kita sebagai seorang manusia. Bagaimana mungkin kita akan ditemukan dengan jodoh jika bilik tidur kita bersepah dan hanya dikemas seminggu sekali? Lebih teruk lagi, berbau busuk.

Mulakan dengan rajin mengemas bilik tidur dan bilik mandi selalu. Kemudian ruang tamu dan dapur. Kebersihan adalah separuh dari iman.

Apa itu iman?

Iman adalah percaya dengan yakin kepada Allah. Kita yakin yang Allah sedang memerhati dan Allah akan membalas segala tindakan kita. Apabila rumah bersih, barulah ada keselesaan, bila sudah selesa, kita akan rajin beribadah. Bila rajin beribadah, barulah kita rajin berdoa, apabila rajin berdoa, YAKIN Allah akan makbulkan. Barulah Jodoh kita akan menuju kita mengikut GPS yang betul.

Ada kata-kata yang menggelikan hati dimana lelaki-lelaki bujang mengatakan bila sudah berumahtangga nanti, isteri akan menjaga rumah dan makan minum mereka. Bagaimana mungkin akan mendapat isteri yang rajin dan disiplin mengemas rumah jika lelaki tersebut mengemas bilik 3 bulan sekali? Orang pembersih pasti tertarik dengan orang pembersih. Jika ada yang sebaliknya, kemungkinan besar salah seorang memang mahu berubah untuk menjadi pembersih kerana penat menjadi pengotor.

Pendek kata, Jodoh akan datang bila kita betul-betul bersedia.

Kita tidak akan tahu bila dan dimana akan ditemukan. Tetapi yang pasti, sebaik sebelum dipertemukan dengan JODOH kita, kita sudah menjadi rajin mengemas, suka menolong orang dalam kesusahan, sentiasa bersedekah, selalu senyum, berbuat baik pada ibu bapa dan keluarga. Mengambil berat akan orang disekeliling kita dan sebagainya.

Allah memerhati samada kita bersedia atau tidak untuk menggalas tanggungjawab besar dalam hidup kita iaitu membina keluarga dan membawa mereka ke Jannah bersama-sama.

Oleh itu, Jom mula kemas rumah!

Monday, July 25, 2016

5 Signs that He is The One

#1 You feel calm when you talk to him or look at him.

The first look can be deceiving, sometimes instant attraction does not equal to love. It is more like an infatuation. It is crucial to be able to identify if it starts with 'like' which can lead to love. You are infatuated if you feel crazily attracted at first sight and you find the attraction slowly diminishes over time.

He is the one when you find yourself at ease whenever you talk to him or look at him. But of course the feelings has to be mutual.

#2 He respects you.

He takes care of your feelings and aware of the things that he can or cannot say. He is brutally honest  yet polite to you.He respects your family and your friends too.

 #3 Both of you share the same values.

 A successful relationship has to start with having embrace the same values. A respectable woman is for a respectable man and vice versa. If family is your priority, then it is more likely you will be attracted to a man who prioritises the same.


#4  Both of your parents agree on your relationship.

Your parents give their blessings to you and the guy that you are eyeing or going to marry and vice versa. Why is this important? Yes, it does not mean that you will not face problems in the future, but it will assist both of you to get through the problems together well.

#5  He wants you to be his full-time companion a.k.a wife.

He knows that he is into you by asking your hand in marriage. How on earth can a man show that he respects you if it is not by asking you to marry him? He expresses his seriousness and is ready to take the responsibility.

When a man wants to love you responsibly, he is the One.

  Remember, love comes in a package and it consists of....

The agreement of two hearts
The Oneness of mission
The Compatible Personalities
The Decisiveness of both parties...

Then you have found the One....

Alhamdulillah  All Praise is to Allah...

Copyright by Michael Rose 2016

Friday, July 22, 2016

5 tanda kita berjodoh dengan siDia

1. Jika dia menyayangi, pasti dia akan menghormati,
    Jika dia mencintai, pasti dia ingin segera menikahi..

2. Hatimu tenang bila memandangnya...
    Dialah orangnya...

3. SiDia jodohmu?
    Tanya pendapat orang terpenting dalam hidupmu..

4. Adakah siDia orangnya?
    Perhatikan USAHA dan TINDAKANNYA

5. SiDia jodoh kita jika Allah setuju,
    Untuk Allah setuju, berdoalah selalu...

You'll know that you have found the one when you have these...

Resepi bertemu Jodoh...

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Six Thinking Hats- Decision Making Problem Solving Tool

Our college embraces the knowledge seeking culture and we are known as the Imperia Nation. In every general monthly meeting, staff are given the chance to share knowledge. I grabbed the opportunity by sharing with others on one of the famous decision making and problem solving tools known as Six Thinking Hats.

This tool entails the main element which is known as 'Parallel Thinking' and it was introduced by Edward DeBono way back in 1985.

What is Parallel thinking? It is when at any moment or point of time, everyone is looking at the same direction.

Why parallel thinking?
In meetings and discussions, people tend to have their own way of thinking and preference. Therefore this tool helps everyone to look at the same direction at one point of time.

So why the Six Colours?
The Six Colours of hats represents six types of thinking, also the hats tell directions of thinking.
Each hat can be taken off or put -on. The main point here is to think outside of our habitual thinking.
But remember, the hats do not represent categories of people, some might say 'he is a green hat thinker'. On the contrary, green represents the thinking style not the thinker. Also, it is a constructive form of showing off better way of thinking.

The Six Colour Hats (A Snapshot)

 Blue:control & organization of thinking
White: objective facts & figures
Red: emotions & feelings
Yellow: hope, positive & speculative
Green: creativity, ideas & lateral thinking
Black: cautious & careful