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Friday, April 27, 2012

The most important part of a Resume..

What is the most important part of a Resume?

It is the Executive Summary. It acts as a preview of you. Just like a preview of any movie, if you find it interesting,then you would want to watch the upcoming movie right? Similarly, if the preview about you looks interesting, then only the Human Resources Personnel will want to consider your application by setting it aside as 'to be considered' out of hundreds of applications.

In the Executive Summary, you need to include your working experience, qualifications, skills, personality and aspirations in brief. Preferably only 5-7 sentences. Remember, less is better.

In preparing my students with the right soft- skills, a session known as VALUE  06 titled Resume Writing and Interview Preparation was conducted on the 29th February 2012 at Imperia Institute of Technology.

The Resume Writing session was conducted by myself whilst Interview Preparation was facilitated by Mr. Ahmad Nashriq.      

Resume Writing session topics entail the followings:-
  1. Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae
  2. The Skeleton of a Resume
  3. The heart of a resume ; and
  4. The do’s and don’t’s of a resume.

There was an activity being carried out where it acts as an eye opener where identification of self-strengths and skills are the most important part in preparing a good resume. 12 Students were divided into pairs and were asked to list their strengths and provide explanations.


just chit chatting..

looking sooo serious..
remember to do like this, like that..

what's so funny?

so what do you think?






Mr. Nashriq's session..

Copyright Rosita Arman Michael 2012

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